Forma i typ
IBUK Libra
Raszkowski Andrzej
Sobczak Elżbieta
zbiorowa Praca
Bal-Domańska Beata
Chmieliński Paweł
Czarnecki Adam
Gospodarowicz Marcin
Kozioł Leszek
Krawchenko Tamara
Malak-Rawlikowska Agata
Matysiak Ilona
Milczarek-Andrzejewska Dominika
Pasikowski Sławomir
Pawłowska Aleksandra
Pietrzak Michał
Rembisz Włodzimierz
Sroka Wojciech
Sulewski Piotr
Sztando Andrzej
Wojewodzic Tomasz
Wolski Oskar
Wąs Adam
Zajda Katarzyna
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
Kraj wydania
6 wyników Filtruj
W koszyku
Data zmiany: 04.11.2023
W zbiorze artykułów składających się na niniejszy „Zeszyt Naukowy”, będących efektem prac naukowych prowadzonych w ramach badań podstawowych i wdrożeniowych, w różnych ośrodkach akademickich, można znaleźć wiele interesujących poznawczo oraz aplikacyjnie informacji. Zeszyt ten ukierunkowany właśnie na współczesną tematykę, ze zwróceniem szczególnej uwagi na problematykę innowacji produktowych i organizacyjnych oraz zmian w otoczeniu organizacji. W szczególności przedstawiono wymiary dyfuzji innowacji w odniesieniu do najnowszych technologii płatniczych na polskim rynku, start-up jako nowej formy organizacyjnej zorientowanej na innowacyjne rozwiązania w obszarze jakości ludzkiego życia, innowacyjnych procesów kształtowania struktury kapitału polskich przedsiębiorstw oraz zaangażowania organizacyjnego pracowników. Warto również wspomnieć o nowatorskim produkcie turystycznym, jakim jest nowy szlak turystyczny „Małopolska Wieś Pachnąca Ziołami”, który zawiera walory przyrodnicze, atrakcje kulturalne i gastronomiczne.
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Data zmiany: 04.11.2023
This paper attempts to describe selected elements regarding the situation on the agricultural property market and the assumptions of the policy in this respect in Poland. Particular attention was paid to legislative changes related to agricultural property trading. Statistical data from the Property Market Analysis and Monitoring System (AMRON), the Central Statistical Office, the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture (ARiMR) and the National Center for Agricultural Support, were used. The purpose of the study was to attempt to assess changes in land prices in Poland after systemic transformation. Attention was also paid to the issue of changes in the conditions for purchasing a property after the entry of the amended provisions of the Act on shaping the agricultural system came into force. An attempt was made to answer the question whether the introduced restrictions caused the prices of agricultural properties in Poland to change in spatial terms.
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W koszyku
Data zmiany: 04.11.2023
Development potential depends primarily on the area’s demographic situation, its capacity to attract new residents and the local community’s reproductive capacity. From the perspective of social and economic development, the demographic potential of local communities is an important element of the region’s development opportunities. This paper makes an attempt to evaluate the demographic situation of the communes of the West- -Pomeranian province and their potential for development. To achieve that goal, a synthetic variable was used and Webb’s method was employed to create a typology of communes of similar demographic potential. The research conducted confirmed the variance in development potential between communes. Municipalities with a better demographic potential use ‘positional pension’ at the larger urban centers. The result is a ‘suction’ of the population, which affects the growth of budget revenues from real estate tax and the share of income tax from individuals.
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W koszyku
Data zmiany: 04.11.2023
Contents [Spis treści] Dominika Milczarek-Andrzejewska, Adam Czarnecki: Editors’ Note. Building Modern Rural Development Policies for Poland , s. 7­­­­­-10. Articles [Artykuły] Tamara Krawchenko: A Framework for Modern Rural Policy in Poland – Dialogue with the Research Community [Ramy nowoczesnej polityki wiejskiej w Polsce – dialog ze społecznością naukową], doi: 10.7366/wir042018/01, s. 11-24; Aleksandra Pawłowska, Włodzimierz Rembisz: The Relationship of Investments and Subsidies to Labour Productivity in Agriculture in Poland between 2010 and 2015 [Związek między inwestycjami i dopłatami do inwestycji a produktywnością pracy w rolnictwie w Polsce w latach 2010–2015], doi: 10.7366/wir042018/02, s. 25-42; Piotr Sulewski, Adam Wąs: Awareness of Sustainable Agriculture among Polish Farmers – Beneficiaries of the CAP [Świadomość trwałego rolnictwa wśród polskich rolników – beneficjentów Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej], doi: 10.7366/wir042018/03, s. 43-66; Agata Malak-Rawlikowska: Are Farmers Trapped in Hold-Up Relationships with their Contractors in the Supply Chain? The Case of Dairy Farmers and Feed Suppliers [Czy rolnicy są uwięzieni w relacjach typu hold-up? Przypadek producentów mleka i dostawców pasz], doi: 10.7366/wir042018/04, s. 67-90; Tomasz Wojewodzic, Wojciech Sroka: Commercial Farms in Polish Metropolitan Areas: Changes in Production Factors [Towarowe gospodarstwa rolne na obszarach metropolitalnych w Polsce: zmiany zasobów czynników produkcji], doi: 10.7366/wir042018/05, s. 91-110; Ilona Matysiak: Young University Graduates’ Motivations for Living in the Countryside in the Context of Rural Policies in Poland [Motywacje do życia na wsi młodych absolwentów wyższych uczelni w kontekście polityk rozwoju obszarów wiejskich w Polsce], doi: 10.7366/wir042018/06, s. 111-130; Michał Pietrzak: Some General Considerations on Coordination Mechanisms and their Potential Role in Rural Policy [Kilka ogólnych uwag na temat mechanizmów koordynacji i ich potencjalnej roli w polityce obszarów wiejskich] doi: 10.7366/wir042018/07, s. 131-148; Katarzyna Zajda, Sławomir Pasikowski: Inter-Sectoral Cooperation for the Implementation of Social Policy in Rural Areas. Proposal of Research Tool [Skala międzysektorowej współpracy na rzecz realizacji polityki społecznej na wsi. Propozycja narzędzia badawczego], doi: 10.7366/wir042018/08, s. 149-162; Oskar Wolski: Smart Villages in EU Policy: How to Match Innovativeness and Pragmatism? [Inteligentne wioski w polityce Unii Europejskiej. Jak połączyć innowacyjność z pragmatyzmem?], doi: 10.7366/wir042018/09, s. 163-180; Paweł Chmieliński, Marcin Gospodarowicz: A Regional Approach to Rural Development? Regional and Rural Programmes in Poland 2007–2015 [Regionalne podejście do rozwoju obszarów wiejskich? Studium regionalnych i wiejskich programów rozwoju w latach 2007–2015 w Polsce], doi: 10.7366/wir042018/10, s. 181-197. Table of Contents of the 2018 Issues of the Village and Agriculture Quarterly[Spis treści kwartalnika „Wieś i Rolnictwo” w 2018 roku], s. 199-206. Village and Agriculture Reviewers List in 2018 [Lista recenzentów kwartalnika „Wieś i Rolnictwo” w 2018 roku], s. 207-209. Uwagi: red. naczelny – Mirosław Drygas periodyk wydawany wraz z Instytutem Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa PAN
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W koszyku
Data zmiany: 03.11.2023
The Department of Regional Economy at the Faculty of Economics, Management and Tourism of Wrocław University of Economics organized yet another scientific conference entitled: “Local and regional economy in theory and practice”. It was already the 23rd conference held on 23-25th September 2015 in “Chata za wsią” hotel in Mysłakowice near Jelenia Góra. The conference was attended by the representatives of national and international scientific circles, regional and local government structures, and also other entities repre¬senting business practice and interested in the problems of local and regional economy, as well as PhD students. Over 80 participants of the conference arrived from over 30 national and foreign scientific centres and institutions to present papers and posters. The subject matter of the conference covered the following areas: local and regional development, local and regional governance, application of quantitative methods in regional studies, partnership in local and regional development, directions of research in local and regional development, cooperation between academic centres and local government units. The conference contributed to establishing more extensive and stronger relation-ships, created within the framework of the constructed platform for the exchange of scientific and practical experiences (the conference has been held cyclically since 1992) at the local, regional, national and international forum. The discussions were focused on the dissemination of research results, the exchange of experiences and the establishment of a discussion forum covering both theoretical and practical aspects of local and regio¬nal development. They also resulted in more extensive cooperation between academic centres, local government units as well as research and development centres, including the cross-border ones. The conference is cyclically attended by the representatives of science from Poland and abroad. So far we have hosted e.g. the research workers representing academic cen¬tres from Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Italy, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Slo¬vakia and also the representatives of business practice, e.g. city presidents and mayors, village heads, county governors, presidents of regional development agencies or of local enterprises, etc. As a result of the organized conference, the hereby publication presents the collec-tion of thematically selected articles in English covering the broadly understood prob-lems of local and regional economy. Its authors represent the following scientific centres: Warsaw School of Economics, University of Łódź, Gdańsk University of Technology, Koszalin University of Technology, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and Wrocław University of Economics. We are most grateful to the conference participants for the joint meeting and we do hope for further cooperation. Elżbieta Sobczak, Andrzej Raszkowski, Andrzej Sztando
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Data zmiany: 03.11.2023
We would like to offer you a publication covering the problems of local and regional growth, in terms of both theoretical and practical aspects, and also discussing Polish and international issues. This publication is dedicated to a wide range of readers: research workers, students of economics and spatial management, and also to employees and councillors working for local governments. Regional development represents a multidimensional process, characterized by positive changes occurring in many areas of economy and society as well as in institutions and environment, which frequently remain of spatial nature. The ultitude of problems covered by regional growth is reflected in the number of topics discussed in the present publication. Regional growth issues are discussed in the context of their relations with knowledge, innovations, human and social capital and also with reference to the regional system of knowledge transfer as an important element of a regional innovation system, affecting its efficiency and ability to meet the equirements of the modern knowledge-based economy. The problems discussed in the publication often cover issues related to labor market and mainly to the situation of young people. In this area the analysis and the rating of strategic documents from selected regions are presented as well as the statistical analysis results based on a model which defines key factors determining the regional labor market situation of young people and which reveals impacts resulting from these factors. The presented soft model has a practical application in monitoring the labor market situation of young people in Polish regions.
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