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IBUK Libra
zbiorowa Praca
2010 - 2019
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Date of change: 03.11.2023
The articles presented in this volume have been based on the projec:Euroidentities – The Evolution of European Identity: Using biographical methods to study the development of European Identity (started March 2008 through February 2011 under the first Framework 7 SSH-2007-5.2.1). The project team consisted of scholars coming from seven academic centers: Queens University, Belfast – UK, University of Magdeburg – Germany, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – Bulgaria, Tallinn University of Technology – Estonia, Federico II’ University, Naples – Italy, University of Łódź – Poland, Bangor University – Wales. The findings come from biographical narrative interviews collected and analyzed by each team during numerous workshops. The main aim of the project was to gain insights into the lives of European citizens and the significance of ‘Europe’ in their narratives.
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