Forma i typ
IBUK Libra
Publikacje naukowe
zbiorowa Praca
Bednarek Piotr
Kowalak Robert
Kowalewski Marcin
Bal-Domańska Beata
Bucholc Marta
Devadas Udaya Mohan
Dorożyński Tomasz
Dyczkowska Joanna
Gorzelak Grzegorz
Jajuga Krzysztof
Kozioł Leszek
Michalak Jan
Nowak Marta
Raszkowski Andrzej
Ronka-Chmielowiec Wanda
Skulska Bogusława
Skulski Przemysław
Sobczak Elżbieta
Sobotka Aneta
Sztaudynger Jan Jacek
Turała Maciej
Waniak-Michalak Halina
Zbiorowa Praca
Świątek-Barylska Ilona
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
Okres powstania dzieła
Kraj wydania
Decyzje edukacyjne
Kapitał ludzki
Temat: czas
Artykuł przeglądowy
Artykuł z czasopisma naukowego
Artykuł z czasopisma pedagogicznego
Raport z badImpact of Information Provision on Investments in Human Capital. Review of Experimental Studies
Dziedzina i ujęcie
Edukacja i pedagogika
Gospodarka, ekonomia, finanse
25 wyników Filtruj
W koszyku
Dawid Dawidowicz: An initial assessment of employee capital plans 5 Eliza Farelnik: Determinants of the development of slow cities in Poland 18 Aleksandra Grabowska-Powaga: The role of social capital in economic activities in Poland in the period of global crisis 37 Magdalena Jaciow: A conceptual method of maintaining equivalence in international market research 46 Magdalena Łada: The competitive potential of the advanced technology sector 60 Katarzyna Mamcarz: Analysis of Granger casuality between gold and selected financial assets 74 Piotr Nowaczyk: Research into the importance of small seaport nautical infrastructure in the development of the local economy 90 Maciej Oesterreich: Dynamics of changes in the level of propensity to use the Internet in European Union countries in 2010-2019 102 Agnieszka Sompolska-Rzechuła: Selection of the method of linear ordering using the example of assessing the level of socio-economic development of European Union countries 118 Anna Sworowska-Baranowska: International collaboration of Polish research entities in a territorial context 130 Aneta Zakrzewska, Piotr Chojnacki: Innovation and efficiency of food industry firms in Poland by regions 142 Jolanta Zawora: Determinants of investment expenditure of local government (voivodeships) 154
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W koszyku
The collection of articles published in the current issue of Financial Sciences includes those referring to the area of corporate finance, capital markets and banking. The subject of corporate finance is widely represented, and includes the paper by Anna Białek-Jaworska and Justyna Dobroszek, while various aspects of earnings management are discussed by Michał Comporek. The problem of risk in the area of capital markets is presented by Aleksandra Pasieczna. The analysis of dividend policy in Polish companies is conducted in the article by Justyna Bogołębska, while the paper by Katarzyna Budny, Joanna Krasodomska and Katarzyna Świetla investigates the influence of mergers and acquisitions on the performance of banks operating in Poland. The article written by Małgorzata Zaleska and Przemysław Kondraciuk concentrates on innovations in the banking industry. We hope that the current issue will provide interesting reading.
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W koszyku
The collection of articles published in the current issue of Financial Science covers the problems from the area of company finance, accounting, financial education, behavioral finances and mathematical methods of analyzing phenomena on financial markets. The articles by S. Kokeyeva and by B. Jabłoński belong in the area of company finance. The importance of psychological conditioning concerning financial decisions is the research subject of M. Maciejasz-Świątkiewicz and M. Musiał. The level of financial education features in the area of interest of M. Szafrańska. The paper by Ch. Senarathne and T. Šoja refers to quantitative methods of analysis in the area of financial market. K. Świetla examines the issue of the protection of accounting data. We hope that the diversity of these subjects will provide additional interest for the readers.
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W koszyku
We are pleased to present the current issue of the Management Sciences journal. The current issue is dominated by articles related to human capital management. In particular, articles are related to the controlling approach to human capital, knowledge management as well and the commitment and job satisfaction. The issue also addresses aspects of business models in the context of dynamic capabilities and stock market investments. We hope that the presented articles will contribute to further scientific discussion. At the same time, we would like to encourage to publish on the quarterly forum.
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W koszyku
The notion of financial sciences covers quite a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines. The most obvious are public finance, corporate finance, capital and money markets, banking and accountancy. Therefore, to make the structure more clear, we divided the contents of previous volumes of our journal into several parts with their own subtitles. However, more and more issues appeared that could not be attributed to any of these “classic” branches, like virtual money, personal finance, or interdisciplinary problems. We decided therefore to present the contents of this issue of Financial Sciences in the alphabetical order of the authors’ names. The reader will notice that most of the articles included in this volume go far beyond the standard classification. An obvious reason is that almost any human public activity has some financial aspects, and this is clearly reflected in all the articles published here. It is my honour and pleasure to thank all the authors for their creative contribution to the contents of this volume, as well as the referees for their efforts to maintain the already acknowledged scientific level of our journal. I hope that the reading of the articles presented here will bring some interesting insights into the current state of the evolution of the financial sciences. Ewa Bogacka-Kisiel
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This book deals mainly with economic growth, its interdependence with social capital, and the consequences of the “happy productive worker” hypothesis. A happy employee works better, earns more money, and as a result, his quality of life goes up. This feedback loop of productivity and happiness means that on the road to effective economic growth and development, man and his quality of life must be taken into consideration as a very important causative factor. The authors guess that the social capital (trust, helpfulness, fairness), family social capital (marriage, divorce, fertility), as well as income inequality are social determinants of the quality of life, sustainable growth and development. They all are characteristics of society’s harmonization. Most of these hypotheses have been verified using econometric models. We hope that such an approach will help to reduce the danger of the fetishization of economic growth. Likewise, the hypothesis on non-cyclical GDP fluctuations was considered, where efficiency of fixed capital investment depends on post bottlenecks. The book summarizes Jon Jacek Sztaudynger’s scientific work on economic growth over the last twenty years. It contains six published articles (co-authors: Ewa Ambroziak, Paweł Baranowski, Paweł Starosta, and Jan Marek Sztaudynger).
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The paper presents the results of research on the evaluation of Non-Financial Statements (Reports), drafted pursuant to the SIN standard (the Polish Non-Financial Information Standard) by a hypothetical investor. The research question was defined of whether the Non-Financial Statements (Reports), which — according to the declarations of the listed companies — are drafted in concordance with the SIN standard, fulfil the requirements set forth by the standard, and thus provide useful non-financial information for the interested parties. The research covered all reports fulfilling the indicated criterion, i.e. 20 listed companies. In the majority of cases, the research results indicate that there are considerable deviations from the SIN standard guidelines. There were five heterogeneity levels in the approach to the SIN standard. In order to carry out the goal, content analysis, descriptive and comparative analysis, as well as the induction method were employed.
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The article is part of the search for new generators of socio-economic development. The goal was to assess social trust (generalized, trust in public institutions) among students as current and future creators and disposers of this resource, and to verify the relationship between life satisfaction and trust in order to search for mechanisms to create it. The study was conducted in 2020 using the SWLS questionnaire extended with questions about social capital. The analyses were supplemented with statistics based on ESS data. The results confirmed the positive relationship between life satisfaction and trust, although its strength was determined by the dimension of trust which was positively correlated with the belief that the commune authorities supported social initiatives and the possibilities of influencing the functioning of the commune.
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Zmiany zachodzące na rynku, związane z coraz większą konkurencją, powodują, że przedsiębiorcy szukają rozwiązań dotyczących nie tylko utrzymania się na nim, lecz również rozwoju, co ma służyć poprawie ich pozycji względem innych jednostek gospodarczych. Zarządzanie kosztami i pomiar dokonań stanowią istotny element systemu podejmowania decyzji w przedsiębiorstwach. Są one stosowane w przedsiębiorstwach nie tylko dużych, ale również średnich i małych. Każda działalność jednostki gospodarczej generuje koszty, które powinny być pod stałą kontrolą zarządzających. Jest to temat wciąż aktualny w artykułach naukowych publikowanych w Polsce i na świecie, poruszany zarówno przez teoretyków, jak i praktyków. Niniejszy zeszyt Prac Naukowych Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu jest poświęcony zagadnieniom zarządzania kosztami i pomiarowi dokonań. W związku z tym zawarte w nim artykuły dotyczą dwóch odrębnych tematycznie obszarów: • zarządzania kosztami, • zarządzania dokonaniami. W obrębie każdego z nich zaprezentowano problemy zarówno teoretyczne, jak i praktyczne dotyczące systemów kosztów w podejmowaniu decyzji, mierników dokonań, raportowania dokonań. Artykuły poświęcone zarządzaniu kosztami mają głównie charakter praktyczny. Ukazują przypadki jego zastosowania w szpitalu, podmiocie świadczącym usługi komunalne, szkole wyższej oraz w organach administracji podatkowej. Skupiają się również na rozważaniach poświęconych kontroli kosztów w jednostkach mikro, wprowadzonych do ustawy o rachunkowości w 2014 roku. Teksty związane z tematyką zarządzania dokonaniami są połączeniem rozważań teoretycznych z empirycznymi. Dociekania teoretyczne dotyczą zagadnień pomiaru dokonań, raportowania dokonań, zastosowania narzędzi, jakimi są zrównoważona karta dokonań, budżetowanie, oraz kreowania wartości przedsiębiorstwa. Artykuły związane z wdrożeniem zarządzania dokonaniami w jednostkach gospodarczych dotyczą takich podmiotów, jak: zakład gospodarowania odpadami, jednostki samorządu terytorialnego, podmioty lecznicze, banki. Redaktorzy zeszytu mają nadzieję, że opublikowane w nim artykuły będą inspiracją do poszukiwań nowych rozwiązań w obszarze zarządzania kosztami i dokonaniami, a jednocześnie pomogą rozwiązać problemy związane z ich wykorzystaniem w wybranych organizacjach. Robert Kowalak, Marcin Kowalewski, Piotr Bednarek
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Przestrzeń jest współcześnie ważnym czynnikiem wzrostu i rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego. Sposób jej zagospodarowania często przesądza o konkurencyjności miejsc i podmiotów. W związku z tym gospodarka przestrzenna na początku XXI wieku odgrywa istotną rolę w rozwoju miast i regionów. W niniejszej publikacji zostały zaprezentowane różne podejścia do gospodarki przestrzennej w kontekście jej wpływu na rozwój współczesnych miast i regionów. Zebrano w niej wyniki badań i przemyśleń autorów zajmujących się aspektami gospodarki przestrzennej: ekonomicznymi, społecznymi, politycznymi, prawnymi oraz środowiskowymi. Czytelnik znajdzie tu wiele informacji oraz studia przypadków dotyczące rewitalizacji, odnowy i gentryfikacji obszarów zurbanizowanych, budowy zielonej gospodarki i zielonej infrastruktury, wdrażania koncepcji inteligentnych miast, relacji miasto-rzeka. Duży nacisk kładziony jest na zagospodarowanie przestrzeni miejskich na konkretnych przykładach, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem funkcji handlowej. Autorzy poruszają także problematykę suburbanizacji i rozlewania się miast oraz ich konsekwencji dla zagospodarowania przestrzennego, nawiązując do możliwości współpracy międzygminnej w tym zakresie. Kolejny wątek to polityka transportowa oraz wpływ infrastruktury na rozwój lokalny. W publikacji znajdziemy też wyniki badania nastawienia władz małych miast do planowania strategicznego. Autorzy prezentują również zagadnienia partycypacji społecznej i jej roli w kształtowaniu krajobrazu miejskiego, a także opracowania dotyczące: metodologii tworzenia terytorialnego foresightu strategicznego, aspektu teoretycznego partnerstwa publiczno-prywatnego, koncepcji powstawania regionalnych funduszy kapitałowych oraz mechanizmu zintegrowanych inwestycji terytorialnych. Nie zabrakło artykułów traktujących o polityce spójności i zmniejszaniu nierówności społecznych. Redaktorzy mają nadzieję, że publikacja, zawierająca nawiązania do nowych koncepcji naukowych oraz liczne studia przypadków, okaże się interesująca. Być może będzie ona inspiracją do dalszych badań oraz zachęci do dyskusji osoby zajmujące się różnymi aspektami gospodarki przestrzennej. Alicja Zakrzewska-Półtorak, Piotr Hajduga, Małgorzata Rogowska
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Contemporary management control and reporting both face challenges. Consequently, a new and more sophisticated scientific approach is needed. From one point of view, interdisciplinary studies and theories are necessary. From another point of view, empirical research and practical issues call for a more specific and specialized approach. This complexity is reflected by the content of this book, which covers topics that emerge from present world’s complexity. Therefore, the authors focus on ever-important issues (such as the strategic approach and its support by management control and reporting, survival of companies), and more modern issues (e.g. cultural aspects, measurement and reporting adjusted to branches, spheres and organizations and specific issues of management control and reporting). The strategic approach to managerial control and financial statements and their role for company’s survival is presented in papers by J. Dyczkowska (who addresses the question whether annual reports communicate strategic issues and focuses her study on reporting practices of high-tech companies), A. Bieńkowska, Z. Kral, A. Zabłocka-Kluczka (who explain the role of responsibility centers in strategic controlling), P. Kroflin (who explores the value-based management and management reporting examining impacts of value reporting on investment decisions and company value perception) and A. Reizinger-Ducsai (who discusses bankruptcy prediction and financial statements). The problems of management control and reporting and their adjustment to specific conditions and organizations are undertaken by T. Dyczkowski (who introduces his NGO performance model), Z. Kes and K. Nowosielski (who present the case study of the process of cost assignment in a local railway company providing passenger transportation services), S. Łęgowik--Świącik, M. Stępień, S. Kowalska and M. Łęgowik-Małolepsza (who analyse the efficiency of the heat market enterprise management process in terms of the concept of the cost of capital), and M. Pietrzak and P. Pietrzak (who discuss the problem of performance measurement in the public higher education). The cultural aspect of managerial control and reporting is explored in papers written by M. Nowak (who presents cultural determinants of accounting, performance management and costs problems showing the issue from Polish perspective using G. Hofstede and GLOBE cultural dimensions) and P. Bednarek, R. Brühl and M. Hanzlick (who provide a literature overview of planning and cross-cultural research). The specific problems and concepts of managerial control and reporting are investigated by M. Ciołek (who discusses the lean thinking and overhead costs), E. Nowak (who analyses the role of costs control role in controlling company operation), Ü. Pärl, R. Koyte, S. Näsi (who examine middle managers’ mediating role in MCS implementation), R.L. Sichel (who discusses the relevance of intellectual property for management control), J. Paranko and P. Huhtala (who analyse the productivity measurement at the factory level). Marta Nowak
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The 2021 issue of Financial Science. Nauki o finansach comprises five new papers. The variety of topics results, on the one hand, from the interest in fundamental, timeless issues, but on the other hand, it is a mirror of current challenges in finance. Marcin Bielicki took up the subject of performance measurement methods used by public venture capital funds, which at the same time try to satisfy the often-conflicting needs of private and public investors. The author conducted in-depth interviews and a survey among the managers of these entities. The paper shows that the greatest emphasis is placed on financial efficiency, while non-financial determinants are largely ignored. Ewa Blaszke reviewed the most important publications on institutional investors’ transactions in stock markets. Despite several decades of research, it is still not clear how the transactions carried out by these investors affect stock price volatility. Although it is a common claim that their managers observe their actions and imitate each other, the results of empirical studies do not settle this question. This paper examines the most relevant theoretical premise regarding the influence of institutional investors on stock prices. Anna Dada investigated whether there were joint-stock companies listed on the FSE between 2000-2017 that paid regular dividends. The author compares the dividend companies and other companies concerning the direction of their cash flows. The conclusions may be useful for managers of listed companies when they plan their dividend policy. It should be supported by rational cash flow management. Željka Kadlec, Marija Žunić, Marijana Lovrenović looked at economic indicators that reflect the effects of the pandemic in countries such as Italy, Germany, Russia, China, and Croatia. Special attention was paid to the intercultural characteristics of these countries (intercultural communication, intercultural competence, intercultural sensitivity, and intercultural conflicts). Silvana Secinaro, Valerio Brescia, Aurelio Secinaro, Davide Calandra aimed to determine a methodology on the issue of costing systems and costing methods applicable to all health services carried out on a large scale that by their nature have a limited variability of resources. The authors used the time-driven activity-based costing (TDABC) method which can be useful for healthcare managers to evaluate the level of costs and to compare the internal results with the reimbursement tariffs from the national health service. Richard Van Horne used two models, a lagged-effects model, and a serial correlation model. He identified potential liquidity risk in hedge fund portfolios. The author found that much of what passes for fund Alpha in a multi-factor risk model lacking a liquidity risk factor is actually a compensation for bearing liquidity risk in the context of a model that includes the innovative liquidity risk factor. This result has implications for both pre-investment due diligence and manager selection as well as post-investment fund performance evaluation and risk management. We are sure that you will find the whole issue of real interest
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Z przyjemnością oddajemy w Państwa ręce kolejny numer naszego czasopisma, w którym znalazły się artykuły zawierające oryginalne i ciekawe wyniki badań naukowych dotyczących dwóch obszarów: szeroko rozumianej jakości życia oraz zagadnień aktuarialnych. Od momentu powstania „Śląskiego Przeglądu Statystycznego” członkami Komitetu Redakcyjnego byli pracownicy Katedry Statystyki Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, dlatego na łamach tegorocznego numeru przedstawiamy jej 70-letnią historię. Zgodnie z tradycją przypominamy także sylwetki naukowców i problematykę, którą się zajmowali. W tym numerze Czytelnik będzie mógł również przeczytać o racjonalności podejmowania grupowych decyzji – jest to temat wciąż aktualny i ważny (szczególnie w czasie pandemii COVID-19). Serdeczne podziękowania składamy wszystkim recenzentom, gdyż dzięki ich sumienności i przychylności nasze czasopismo zyskuje na wartości i jest w nim prezentowana szeroko rozumiana wiedza wysokiej jakości. Dzięki zaś pracy profesjonalnie wykonywanej przez nadzwyczaj życzliwy zespół redakcyjny naszego wydawnictwa uczelnianego wiedza ta prezentowana jest w postaci przyjaznej Czytelnikowi. Zachęcamy wszystkich do lektury.
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One of the fastest growing areas in the economic sciences is broadly defined area of finance, with particular emphasis on the financial markets, financial institutions and risk management. Real world challenges stimulate the development of new theories and methods. A large part of the theoretical research concerns the analysis of the risk of not only economic entities, but also households. The seventeenth conference “Financial Investments and Insurance – Global Trends and the Polish Market” was devoted to the problems of the theory of investment, financial markets, banking, insurance, corporate finance and risk management, as well as practical financial and insurance issues occurring on the Polish market. This conference was held on September 17–19 in Wrocław. The conference was organized by the Department of Financial Investments and Risk Management and Department of Insurance of the Wrocław University of Economics. Professors Krzysztof Jajuga and Wanda Ronka-Chmielowiec chaired Scientific Committee of the conference. The Committee on Financial Sciences of Polish Academy of Sciences held the patronage on content and the Rector of the University of Economics in Wroclaw, Professor Andrzej Gospodarowicz held the honorary patronage. Conference was attended by about 100 persons representing academic, financial and insurance sectors, including several people from abroad. During the conference fifty papers on finance and insurance, mainly in English, were presented. There were presented also 32 posters. This publication contains 39 articles. They are listed in alphabetical order. The editors of the book on behalf of the authors and themselves express their deep gratitude to the reviewers of articles – Professors: Jacek Batóg, Joanna Bruz¬da, Katarzyna Byrka-Kita, Piotr Fiszeder, Jerzy Gajdka, Magdalena Jerzemowska, Jarosław Kubiak, Tadeusz Kufel, Jacek Lisowski, Sebastian Majewski, Monika Marcinkowska, Władysław Milo, Paweł Miłobędzki, Paweł Niedziółka, Mateusz Pipień, Włodzimierz Szkutnik, Mirosław Szreder, Małgorzata Tarczyńska-Łuniew¬ska, Waldemar Tarczyński, Tomasz Wiśniewski, Ryszard Węgrzyn – for comments which helped to give the publication a better shape. Wanda Ronka-Chmielowiec, Krzysztof Jajuga
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Internationalisation is an important process currently observed in the contemporary global economy. It consists in creating and developing diverse forms of cross-border ties between enterprises and foreign direct investment is an example of these. Multinational enterprises are looking for optimal locations in almost all (politically and economically safe) countries and regions across the globe. Most governments actively compete for investors by offering different incentive schemes, such as, inter alia, fiscal, financial, regulatory, and technical and information instruments and measures. The primary research goal of the study is to assess the importance of incentives offered to foreign direct investors by the evaluation of their effects understood in this case as investor reaction to such incentives. Hence, the process is seen from the investor perspective. The first part of the monograph is devoted to theoretical aspects of assisting foreign investors. The second part, which is empirical, discusses studies conducted to assess the relevance of incentives from the point of view of the host country economy. The publication is addressed mainly to economists and representatives of international business. It may also be of interest to people engaged in business operations in international contexts: managers, experts, representatives of public administration. The monograph should also be recommended as an excellent supplementary reading for students of all university courses connected with the internationalisation of enterprises. '
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We would like to offer you a publication covering the problems of local and regional growth, in terms of both theoretical and practical aspects, and also discussing Polish and international issues. This publication is dedicated to a wide range of readers: research workers, students of economics and spatial management, and also to employees and councillors working for local governments. Regional development represents a multidimensional process, characterized by positive changes occurring in many areas of economy and society as well as in institutions and environment, which frequently remain of spatial nature. The ultitude of problems covered by regional growth is reflected in the number of topics discussed in the present publication. Regional growth issues are discussed in the context of their relations with knowledge, innovations, human and social capital and also with reference to the regional system of knowledge transfer as an important element of a regional innovation system, affecting its efficiency and ability to meet the equirements of the modern knowledge-based economy. The problems discussed in the publication often cover issues related to labor market and mainly to the situation of young people. In this area the analysis and the rating of strategic documents from selected regions are presented as well as the statistical analysis results based on a model which defines key factors determining the regional labor market situation of young people and which reveals impacts resulting from these factors. The presented soft model has a practical application in monitoring the labor market situation of young people in Polish regions.
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Diversity and multiculturalism have become pervasive in today’s organizations. Facets of Managing in Cross-Cultural Diversity is a timely publication critically exploring the phenomenon of managing in cross-cultural diversity. This book offers important insights on real issues and studies into management in a cross-cultural, global environment, and uncovers the issues from macro and group-individual perspectives. Unlike most publications on diversity which are limited to a single country’s experience, this book brings together authors who write about and study workplace diversity in the context of different countries and cultures. Associate Prof. Dr. Roziah Mohd Rasdi Universiti Putra Malaysia
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The monograph is scientifically valuable, innovative and brings the high potential for application. The discussed topics are up to date and significant for both theory and economic practice. The literature review presented herein is of high academic quality, as is the rich empirical part which covers the stages of development of loan and guarantee funds, provides a comparison of their functioning in different countries and analyses their financial standing in the context of regional development. The monograph may be addressed to representatives of the economic practice as well as academics, in particular those specialising in public finance, local government finance, accounting and management of corporate finance. All in all, it is a valuable publication, not only on the Polish publishing market.
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Regional economic integration, meaning the removal of barriers in the movement of goods, services and the transfer of production aspects, based on geographic, cultural and economic proximity of countries, constitutes in fact the extrapolation of globalization processes in particular regions of the world. The increase in the prosperity of integrating countries, the enhancement of economic effectiveness and the reinforcement of their competitive position are the purposes of the integration. Economic integration processes are subject to particularly strong intensification in the Asia-Pacific Region. The growing economic importance of China, South Korea, India and ASEAN countries, in relation to the lack of consensus within the framework of Uruguay Round, favours the intensification of economic links in this region of the world. The factors which accelerated these processes also include: the Asian financial crisis of 1997 and the global financial crises started in 2007. As a consequence the economic integration processes in the Asia-Pacific Region acquired unusual dynamics and are characterised by some specific features. And it is the awareness of dynamics of the development of these phenomena in the Asia-Pacific Region that was the factor which triggered the questions about the nature of economic and political links being established, which deepen integration processes among Asian economies and entities operation within these economies. The attempt to answer these questions is the articles which were sent for the 6th international scientific conference called “Network interrelations in the Asia-Pacific Region. Society – economy – politics”, organized in November 2013 by Asia Pacific Research Centre operating at the University of Economics in Wrocław. The patronage over the Conference was taken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Poland. The problems raised by the authors of the articles present various perceptions of economic and political relations building in the Asia-Pacific Region, which were presented from the perspective of both the region and the selected countries. Delivering to the Reader another volume devoted to the Asia-Pacific Region, we wish to express the conviction that we have prepared a cognitively valuable publication. It may turn out particularly interesting for those who would like to explore the contemporary social, economic and political interrelations shaping integration processes in the researched region.
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